Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Wonder how long til someone notices this..

OK, I'm bored this evening. So bored, I thought I'd blog. Basically all the US tv shows I have downloaded all year are finished, the football season is over, it's not Doctor Who night, so there's nothing much on tele, I've watched all my DVDs and I've been stuck on the same level in MoH: Pacific Assault for weeks!

All that's left is 1) Mowing the grass 2) Making a start on school reports 3) blogging.

I was ashamed to see it's a full year since I posted! So what's new with me. Erm, not a lot. School is same as ever, although a bit busier possibly. This year we have been on the ISP (Intensive Support Programme), which involved lots of PDMs(Professional Development Meetings) and working on our RAP(Raising Attainment Programme). As you might guess from all these acronyms, it is pretty tedious! We amuse ourselves in meetings...sorry, PDMs but thinking up rude 3 letter acronyms!

The basis of the programme is target setting - LOTS of target setting, then reviewing them every half term. Kids are no longer good, average or poor, they are G&T(gifted and talented) On-track or Target children. We have 3 key words - MUST, SHOULD and COULD.

Your MUST statements are for everyone, even the thickies(that's a technical term, hope I'm not confusing you!!) The SHOULD statement is for your target kids - the ones you want to boost a bit. The COULD statement is for your On Track kids.
Yes, it IS as finicky as it sounds. However, it isn't totally useless. We have been quite good at staying focussed this year, but now it is the final half term, everyone is fed up of targets, acronyms and PDMs!!

Anyway, if you happen to be passing, do leave me a comment. I might see it by 2006!

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