Monday, December 22, 2003

Finished school on Friday - and as usual, managed to pick up a nasty cold from those bug-infested children. By Friday I had no voice at all - which was interesting! FACT: If you whisper at children, they will whisper back!! Actually this worked with the staff too! We were all doing hand signals all day!

We took the kids to the pantomime on Thursday - an unknown thing to the non-Brits, but it was very enjoyable. Basically its a comedy fairy tale usually(Jack and the Beanstalk this time) where the main character, the Dame, is a man dressed up as a woman. The lead young man, the Principal Boy is a girl and the jokes are usually VERY corny! The audience joins in a lot ("Oh no it doesn't! Oh yes it does!...BEHIND YOU!!) and is it great fun. Despite coughing my way through it, I loved it. Apart from our 200 or so kids, there were about 100 old folks, who actually really liked having the kids there. Pantomimes aren't much fun if no one joins in, so our children shouting along really helped.

Anyway, by Friday night and the staff Christmas do, my voice had some alcoholic lubrication, and I was able to croak at people. Sadly no one got that drunk and the Michael Jackson tribute band had us all sniggering. Now, just Christmas to survive...

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

I've had a rather nice BMW 318i while my Mini is in the garage for re-sprayed bonnet and door repairs, and I think I am changing personality! I feel the urge to zoom up behind people and drive in a really intimidating manner. I am inclined to cut people up and overtake on the inside...yes, I am becoming a BMW driver!! Thank goodness I am getting my Mini back tomorrow! (Although I do rather like the 150bhp engine in this car... should have bought the Mini Cooper..)

It's been Christmas play time at school the last few days, and despite a lot of rushing around, it is always fun. We had all 300 or so kids involved, and its quite heart warming to see them all singing their little hearts out. I'm a bit of a "bah, humbug" person when it comes to Christmas, but I must admit it is a nice time in primary schools. We had a serious discussion about the existance of Santa this afternoon while sewing some Chistmas tree decorations.

My kids are 8/9 and at the age where they aren't quite sure whether he's real. One girl said that he *must* be real because her mum couldn't possibly afford to buy so many presents. The kids have no idea how much debt their parents get into.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Well, my student Liz finished today, and generally speaking she did great. She's back after Easter, so I can nag at her more then.
I spent today with a couple of guys who were setting up the server at school - which was actually great cos I want to learn more about networks, but I did get lost a few times. :)

I now have to actually TEACH again next week!! Arrgh! I think I've forgotten how....! "Erm OK children, today we are going to do some...colouring!"