Monday, November 12, 2012

Insomnia? No just still awake..

Wow, haven't used this blog in YEARS. Not going to spend hours either, just wanted to comment on the irony of being up at 2am having just finished watching Insomnia :D
Christopher Nolan's slightly forgotten masterpiece was on tv yesterday and I recorded it having remembered it as pretty good. Think it was a remake of a Scandanavian film, but Pacino was excellent. Poor Hilary Swank was a mere eager puppy supporting player - and I think she'd already won her first Oscar.

Nolan is a master of mood and messing with your head, lots of quick cuts and flashes of images. Memorable chase across a load of logs floating down river. Robin Williams in one of his early creepy-as-hell roles. Pacino's recent films often feature rather bad over-acting, but his weary-eyed, well meaning but up-shit-creek detective is compelling.
Anyway, very good film and no Insomnia for me, just my usual 'don't want to go to sleep yet' attitude.