Well, back to school this week - and boy was it tough going. Not the teaching, but the having to get up early! I am not now, and have NEVER been a morning person!
Also back to the incompetent idiot that is our head teacher. You know one problem with primary schools? Too many women who put up with male prats!!! He had another stupid annoucement this week about giving us some time off - a whole hour in the afternoon, where he could use our planning to teach and thus give us an hour free for paperwork. Like most experienced teachers, I don't write much down for the non-core subjects (Geography, history, music art etc) so how he think this will help is beyond me, as we'll have to spend extra time writing down plans for him now. He seemed to think we would love the idea! But what really got me is that we all thought it was stupid, but no else would say anything!! I questioned him but no one else would. They all just sat there and moaned later!
Despite what some of you at the Ville think, I am seen as the funny loud mouth one at school :) I will always comment and question and am usually the entertainment! But it gets tedious being the ONLY one who will actually question anything. Sadly, I think its a female thing. I don't think he'd get away with it if there were more men around. Still I got my own back by making him do some ICT stuff in front of everyone, when I *know* he is the most computer illiterate on the staff!! He might be a nice easy going guy, but sometimes I yearn for someone who actually has a clue....!
Ah well, Friday night. The best part of the week!!