Thursday, November 06, 2003

I have a student teacher starting next week - although apparently they must be called trainees now! She was in for a visit on Tuesday and then for the next 4 weeks.

I *hated* being a student teacher - it took me several years to get to like being an actual teacher! But it is very hard going into someone elses class and trying to establish yourself.

It's also quite hard having a student - us teachers are basically control freaks behind closed classroom doors, and having to stand back and let someone else take over is hard. You think you'll have all this free time to get stuff done, but almost never do. Still, she can't be much worse than my last student, a guy called Stacy(yes, a bloke!) who was totally useless. He did a whole lesson on how to work out the area of a rectangle by doing width times breadth!(For the ignorant, they both mean the same thing!)

Anyway, lets see how this Liz gets on....I'll keep you posted.