Sunday, October 12, 2003

Had parents evening this week at school. I always quite enjoy meeting the parents - tells you an awful lot about the kids. The spoilt brat whose mummy complains there's too much homework and she doesn't have time to do it (I told her to *gasp* let her daughter actually do her homework herself...)

Then there are the thick-as-two-short-planks parents, whose offspring are often similarly blessed. Remember that kid who asked me how to spell ICT? Her mother listened to my explanation of how she was in a lower groups because she was struggling and needed the extra support then said, "so, she's doing alright then is she?"

Some other teachers had parents give them a lot of grief. Many parents just don't want to hear that their kid is less than brilliant. If they are struggling, they want to know how we can fix it. Some kids will never be geniuses but some mums and dads can't seem to accept it and keep wanting them to be up with the top groups.

However, the pest parents are only a small minority, and most people are fine. As long as their kids are happy, they are happy.
I've had a very long week - as well as 2 parents evenings, I've been setting up PCs in the school computer suite, and I think my brain has short circuited. Sick of the sight of keyboards....infact, I'm off to go watch some mindless rubbish on tele...