Thursday, October 23, 2003

Well the half term holiday is nearly here. The kids finished today and we have a staff training day tomorrow. Trying to teach adults about computers is harder than teaching kids as several of them are slight techno phobes!

The girl with the pills is back and fine - with everyone keeping a close eye on her. However, some of the other kids have been playing drug pusher by passing around red tictacs in the playground!!

Its been assessment week this week - lots of tests for the kids, lots of marking for me! Still, they've done pretty well on the whole, which is a relief. Nothing more soul destroying that finding out you've been talking to 28 brick walls for 7 weeks!

Saturday is the Xenafest, and I'm looking forward to that. Should be a laugh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

This is turning into a bit of a school diary sorry, but had a disturbing incident yesterday.
A kid in my class came into school with a pocketful of pills! Caught her handing them out in the morning and marched her down to the deputy head. The little bleeder claimed to have picked them up in her garden and brought them in. She had 28 red pills, and my school is an a slightly rough area.
I had visions of some druggie dumping his stash over this girl's garden wall while on the run or something.
Anyway, after many, many lies later, her mother came in and took one look and realised they were her dad's antibiotics. The little devil had pinched them at the weeked, hidden them, told other kids she was bringing in tablets and then tried to give them to the others.
Thankfully the other children didn't take them, but she had, so had to be taken down to be checked out at the hospital.
We all rapidly did a discussion on the dangers of messing around with medicines with our children. I just kept imagining what could have happened if she or other kids had eaten some.(The girl did take at least 1, probably 2 herself) I mean 28 strong antibiotics could have killed her!

Anyway, to make the story even worse, we had a phone call from the hospital. They were keeping her in overnight to check her out, and were also concerned by the repeated lying she was doing - they wanted her to see a psychologist because they think she must be being bullied!!!!

It really annoys me how EVERYTHING kids do wrong is blamed on that, rather than a devious and sly little girl who was incredibly stupid and could have injured herself and other children.
Lets see if we get plastered over the front page of the papers now..

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Had parents evening this week at school. I always quite enjoy meeting the parents - tells you an awful lot about the kids. The spoilt brat whose mummy complains there's too much homework and she doesn't have time to do it (I told her to *gasp* let her daughter actually do her homework herself...)

Then there are the thick-as-two-short-planks parents, whose offspring are often similarly blessed. Remember that kid who asked me how to spell ICT? Her mother listened to my explanation of how she was in a lower groups because she was struggling and needed the extra support then said, "so, she's doing alright then is she?"

Some other teachers had parents give them a lot of grief. Many parents just don't want to hear that their kid is less than brilliant. If they are struggling, they want to know how we can fix it. Some kids will never be geniuses but some mums and dads can't seem to accept it and keep wanting them to be up with the top groups.

However, the pest parents are only a small minority, and most people are fine. As long as their kids are happy, they are happy.
I've had a very long week - as well as 2 parents evenings, I've been setting up PCs in the school computer suite, and I think my brain has short circuited. Sick of the sight of keyboards....infact, I'm off to go watch some mindless rubbish on tele...